


    Health benefits of a low-carb diet

    You tell anyone that you are trying cut down on your carbohydrates and an obvious question is posed “Are you dieting?” This is usually associated with dieting for weight loss. However, following low-carb diet plans does not necessarily mean following a weight loss one. Implementing a low-carb diet into your regular meal plan helps you in more than one ways in living a healthy life. Why do you have to follow a . . .


    Struggling with loneliness? Here’s how you can beat it

    The feeling of isolation can be a tragic one; don’t let it overwhelm you. Follow these tips to banish the emotional despair with ease. Find out the primary cause You can feel lonely due to reasons like lack of friends, bad breakup phase, the death of a loved one, etc. After figuring out the exact cause, you can either work for that purpose (if the situation allows you to that) or avoid that reason by diverti. . .


    How to Stay Emotionally Healthy

    In the course of our daily lives, we may encounter and experience some situations that might test our emotional bandwidth. These usually affect us in one way or another and lead to an up and downplay of emotions. It is in our hands to maintain mental health despite all these experiences. The thing to remember here is that we cannot change or stop the situation, but we can control our emotions. Many people feel ill eq. . .


    5 common types of lung cancer treatments

    Lung cancer needs no introduction as it has been one of the most common cancers in the United States in recent times. Once detected with this condition, there should not be any delay in starting with a lung cancer treatment. Any lung cancer treatment depends on the type of lung cancer. Depending on this factor and the stage of the cancer, a doctor can suggest a suitable lung cancer treatment plan. Surgery: One . . .


    Ways to prevent HIV

    HIV is a virus and AIDS is a symptom of that virus. HIV is spread through fluids like semen, blood, rectal fluids, breast milk and vaginal fluids. To reduce your risk of getting infected by this virus, you need to be careful with many functions that you may carry out including sexual intercourse. Here are a few ways in which you can avoid your risk of getting infected and protect yourself from the same. Use prot. . .


    Symptoms of HIV

    It is important to know that HIV and AIDS are two different things. While AIDS is not a virus, it is one of the symptoms of a virus called HIV. HIV infection can be inherited whereas this is not possible for AIDS. Therefore, the symptoms of HIV can vary from person to person. These symptoms usually show up after a long time and are known to occur in stages. Stage 1 After four weeks of being infected with HIV, y. . .


    Travel tips for people with HIV AIDS

    There is no reason why people with HIV/AIDS cannot enjoy traveling. However, depending on your condition and international travel formalities, you may need to adjust or change your plans. Here are some tips to consider before you make any travel plans. Research: If you plan to take an international trip, you may need to consider the laws of your destination country about your HIV/AIDS status and medicines. Many. . .


    ICW and Survival Kit for Women with HIV

    Many HIV/AIDS patients, especially in developing nations, face discrimination and stigma. It largely affects women who are shunned by family and society and left to fend for themselves. Therefore, any assistance for these women can be very beneficial. The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) works to help women with HIV/AIDS through many initiatives. A History of ICW When the fight against . . .


    5 popular metastatic lung cancer treatment options

    Metastatic lung cancer is the condition in which the cancer which originated in the lungs spreads to some other primary point in the body such as prostate, kidney and so on. Approximately 85% to 90% of lung cancer diagnosis are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In this condition cancer cells form tissues in the lungs. There are various types of treatments available and the patient working with the doctor would h. . .


    Benefits of Greek yogurt

    Greek yogurt is a probiotic yogurt prepared from fermented milk. Greek yogurt is actually strained more times than the traditional yogurt; this assists in removing more whey. Greek yogurt also is much thicker as it has more protein than the usual yogurt. Greek yogurt includes the maximum quantity of helpful bacteria known as "probiotics" in it because it has been more concentrated than the usual yogurt. These are . . .


    Simple ways to boost your mental health

    Health is wealth, as the adage goes. But what good is your health if you are not in the best frame of mind? One’s mental health is of utmost importance for a well-functioning and normal life. Many people ignore this fact. What one does not realize is that the state of one’s mental health can have a bearing on the physical health, career, relationships and so much more. So what can you do to boost your mental heal. . .


    Effective ways to beat schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that has the potential to affect an individual's emotions, thinking, decision-making and relationships. Schizophrenia signs vary from one patient to the other, and it is not mandatory that all patients with this mental disorder will possess similar symptoms. The best possible way to improve the chance of managing schizophrenia is to get proper treatment as early as possible. . . .


    Why do women require probiotics

    While some people may be using probiotics as a precaution for possible health concerns, few others may be consuming it as a cure for an existing ailment. In either way, probiotics are known to aid good digestive health, reduce depression, promote heart health, give better looking skin, and strengthen immunity. The requirements of having to consume probiotics differs from person to person. There are already several ba. . .


    How to deal with schizophrenia when your family member is affected by the condition

    If any of your family members suffer from the severe mental illness known as schizophrenia and you are confused whether to care for them at home or seek external assistance, the best option is to let a person with schizophrenia live with his or her family. However, in such a scenario, all the members must stay united and understand the disorder correctly. The first crucial thing to do is to recognise the schizophreni. . .


    4 common types of melanoma and their treatment options

    Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer, accounting for the majority of skin cancer deaths in the United States. It occurs when the melanocytes in the skin undergo mutation and turn cancerous. Melanoma symptoms are often hidden, which it makes difficult to diagnose in the initial stages. Read here the four different types of skin melanoma and their common treatment options. Types of Melanoma Superficial Spr. . .


    Types of arthritis and ways to deal with them

    Common types of arthritis and ways to deal with them Arthritis is a health condition that affects the joints, and it mostly affects the knees. Therefore people with arthritis generally look for treatments for arthritis knee pain. Arthritis can be caused due to lifestyle, but in certain cases, this could be a genetic condition. There are different forms of arthritis, the most common is rheumatoid arthritis and oste. . .