


    Effective treatment options for leg cellulitis

    Cellulitis is a common and serious bacterial skin infection that makes the affected area swollen, red, and painful. The staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria that enter through the cracks in the skin can cause this infection. The condition usually affects the lower leg, but it can take place in the arms, face, and other areas of the body as well. If the treatment for leg cellulitis is not provided on time, the inf. . .


    All you need to know about cellulitis

    Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that starts with a little redness and swelling of certain body parts and can become life-threatening in the absence of timely treatment. The condition occurs when bacteria infiltrate broken skin and it affects the dermis and subcutaneous tissues underneath the skin. Cellulitis is caused by different bacteria, but most commonly by Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. Fungi may als. . .


    Sarcoidosis risk factors you should know about

    Sarcoidosis is a disease that is difficult to understand because nobody is really certain about what causes it. It is a disease caused by the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells in different parts of the body like the lungs, lymph nodes, skin, and eyes. In at least half the cases, sarcoidosis symptoms and signs go away on their own. While anyone can develop sarcoidosis, primary sarcoidosis risk factors t. . .


    Most common signs of sarcoidosis

    Sarcoidosis is caused by the growth of tiny collections of granulomas or inflammatory cells in different parts of a patient’s body. It can appear in almost any organ, but most commonly it occurs in the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes, and skin. It is a tricky disease to diagnose and is often confused with other diseases like flu or respiratory infections. Therefore, it is essential that if you have any of the sarcoidosis . . .


    5 warning signs of stomach cancer

    Stomach cancer is one of the most uncommon cancer types, with symptoms that can either be vague or easily mistaken for other conditions. Persistent indigestion, feeling sick, and constant pain in the stomach are some stomach cancer symptoms that can be mistaken for some other problems. Therefore, it is important for you to watch out for these signs carefully and consult a doctor immediately if the condition seems unb. . .


    Stages and symptoms of stomach cancer

    Stomach cancer is considered to be one of the most painful cancer types. However, for a large number of people, pain is not one of the earliest stomach cancer symptoms. In its early stages, stomach cancer might not show any symptoms. Well, every individual suffers from stomach pain every now and then, and this should not make someone worry about suffering from stomach cancer. In the beginning, the symptoms tend to be. . .


    Common symptoms of tongue cancer

    Cancer that starts in the cells of the tongue is known as tongue cancer. That on the front of the tongue is called “oral tongue cancer,” and the one that occurs on the base of the tongue is called “oropharyngeal cancer.” The most common type of tongue cancer is squamous cell carcinoma and is classified using stages and grades. The stage is an indication of how far cancer has spread. It has three classificatio. . .


    Risk factors that can lead to tongue cancer

    Malignancy of the tongue is referred to as tongue cancer. It usually develops in the squamous cells, which are flat and thin cells covering the tongue’s surface. This type of oral cancer affects the front two-thirds of the tongue while that affecting the back one-third of the tongue is considered as a type of head-and-neck cancer. Tongue cancer symptoms are more or less similar to those of other types of oral cance. . .


    4 feasible tips to choose the right eating disorder treatment center near you

    Eating disorders are a serious health concern that can affect anyone at any point in time. In fact, 70 million people in the country suffer from eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorders, and these wreak havoc in their lives. Often, such conditions are underplayed by saying that the person “eats too much” or “eats too less”, which according to a majority of the populat. . .


    4 popular electric toothbrushes for sparkling white teeth

    It is hard to not like the sparkly, quirky toothbrushes that adorn the supermarket aisle; in fact, you may even be tempted to buy a toothbrush similar to your child’s “Elsa” toothbrush. However, the entire concept of buying a toothbrush revolves on how well the toothbrush cleans your teeth. So, the next time you pop into the store to buy a new one, ensure that you choose it due to its utility and not for how at. . .


    Types of dental implant procedures

    Dental implants are performed when a person loses a single tooth or multiple teeth due to periodontal disease or an injury. These are prosthetic teeth roots placed onto or into the jawbone for the roots to properly hold a bridge or replacement tooth. Here are six common types of dental implant procedures that are performed as per the patient’s specific needs. Single tooth implantThis is the basic procedure of denta. . .


    Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

    According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer, both small cell and non-small cell, is the second most common cancer faced by individuals in the country. With around 13% of new cases every year, this disease has been the primary cause of cancer-related deaths in men and women alike. It can be difficult to detect lung cancer as it does not have any signs and symptoms in its initial stages. The symptoms usually . . .


    Hepatitis and its symptoms

    Hepatitis is a condition that affects the functioning of the liver. Located in the right upper area of the abdomen, the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver performs various important functions like bile production, toxin filtration, and protein breakdown, among many others. When the liver gets inflamed, the condition is known as hepatitis. The most common cause of this disease is a . . .


    7 early signs and symptoms of HIV

    HIV is a virus that causes damage to the immune system. Since this system fights infections, contracting this disease results in a weaker body. It is a lifelong condition with no cure available currently. In addition to this, the HIV virus can be transmitted to another person. Therefore, it is crucial to spot the early signs of HIV and seek medical care as soon as possible. The symptoms of HIV are as follows: FeverT. . .


    Symptoms and risk factors of psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a commonly occurring skin condition that accelerates the production of skin cells, leading to its rapid build-up on the skin’s surface. These extra skin cells create red patches along with scales and cause itchiness and pain. Psoriasis is a chronic disease. It is also intermittent, which means that it occurs at irregular intervals. The primary goal of treatment is to control the rate at which these ski. . .


    Arthritis and its symptoms

    Arthritis is described as inflammation in either a single or multiple joints of the body. The primary symptoms of arthritis include stiffness and pain in the joints. These symptoms usually worsen as one ages. There are multiple types of arthritis; however, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common ones. Osteoarthritis causes breakage in the cartilage, which is the slippery, hard tissue that is situ. . .